11 September 2018

LGBT Discrimination in the workplace

In accordance with the Equality Act 2010, it is unlawful to discriminate against anyone because of their gender, sexual orientation or gender reassignment. These forms of discrimination occur frequently, especially amongst the LGBT community. LGBT consists of individuals who identity as a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender, who in recent years have experienced a vast level of discrimination in the workplace.

In order to understand the experiences of the LGBT community, the Government Equalities Office (GEO) conducted a national survey in July 2017 on the LGBT community, the largest of its kind. The survey focused on a variety of experiences that the LGBT community face every day in the UK including: personal safety, healthcare, education and employment.

In relation to employment, there were a variety of issues raised regarding discrimination of an employee’s gender, sexual orientation and gender reassignment.

According to the survey 11% of those questioned from the LGBT community had experienced another staff member “outing” them without their consent. Whilst 9% experience negative incidents including unwanted conduct and verbal abuse. 

Since the survey was released, the GEO has introduced its LGBT Action Plan: Improving the Lives of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People, in order to show the government that the LGBT community is a priority. 

The LGBT Action Plan is also in place to improve the conditions in the workplace for LGBT people, by ensuring the following:

  • Sexual Harassment policies include LGBT employees.
  • LGBT Harassment is included in ACAS’ equal opportunities and anti-sexual harassment policies.
  • LGBT people can feel at ease and can be themselves in the workplace.
  • Employers will receive training in order to support the LGBT community, as well as tackling any issues relating to exclusion of this group.
  • A thorough review of the Civil Service Diversity and Inclusion Strategy will be conducted, in order to improve policies and procedures on any misconduct conducted towards LGBT staff members.


The funding for this Action Plan is in place until March 2020 with the hopes of improving the everyday experience of the LGBT community in the workplace and beyond.


Here at Three Graces Legal we can help anyone who has experienced gender reassignment, sexual orientation or sex discrimination in the workplace.

Please contact us on 0151 659 1070 to see how we may be of assistance.

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